ez check

Pregnancy Kit for the visually impaired (2017-2018)

Pregnancy is a sensitive and personal issue, requiring privacy and care in the way information is delivered to women. While most women can now safely conduct pregnancy tests independently in the privacy of their homes, these kits continue to be a challenge for women with visual impairment. Most otc pregnancy kits are designed for visual feedback to indicate a positive or negative test, forcing blind women to seek assistance in conducting and reading pregnancy tests. Furthermore, in regions of conflict and mass migration, women's rights have been grossly neglected, leaving them vulnerable to harm and abuse, with limited access to essential diagnostic equipment such as pregnancy tests.

This project involved mentoring a student team at the Enable Makeathon 2.0, hosted by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Disability Innovation Hub, ucl. The project focused on developing tactile interactions in the use and information delivery of pregnancy kits, thus enabling universal access to the kit. The instructions on the manual and the packaging were also designed for printing in brail. The project was further contextualised for low-resource settings. My design responsibilities were to develop the casing of the kit, packaging, and identity design.

The team was awarded a Top 5 position in the final pitch meeting. All ipr pertaining to the project remain with icrc, Delhi branch.