Product, service, system design

As a product designer, trained at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, my interests lie in creating need-led solutions to complex problems, particularly in healthcare. I enjoy working with small and medium enterprises, research and education institutes, and humanitarian organizations, developing novel technologies in affordable and accessible medical devices, assistive technology solutions and products for lifestyle change.

My consultancy experiences cover a breadth of designed outcomes, ranging from hand-held surgical tools, to digital interactions and conceptual exploration of novel experiences through tangible and intangible media. My typical involvement in projects includes end-to-end design of new products, design audits and redesign projects, and conceptual development of new technologies.

Current collaborations include leading the design and development of an indoor navigation system for the visually impaired with IIT Delhi, funded by WHO, and a redesign of the user-interface for a CPAP device with Hiiih Innovations. I look forward to hearing from you about prospective design projects.

Inclunav Maps, a web application for indoor map digitization and indoor positioning (2020-2021)

Inclunav Routes, a web/android application for indoor location services (2020-2021)

Pregnancy Kit for the visually impaired (2017-2018)

Co-designing products in papier mâché with craft clusters of Kashmir (2017)

Eustachian’s tube dilation system for chronic Eustachian’s tube dysfunction (2017)

Clinical grade smart watch for ECG monitoring (2016)

Balloon sinuplasty toolkit for chronic Rhinosinusitis (2015)

Road bike (2015)